Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Welcome To hydroxyurea
How a new type of transplant is making a cure for sickle cell anemia possible for thousands of kids. How Is Sickle Cell Anemia Treated? Sickle cell... © 2009 All Rights Reserved. Papa has such a BEAUTIFUL perfect in fact that I'm sure all of heaven's angels themselves are incredibly impressed as well as in awe of his melody... ;) A new study just published in the International Journal of Cancer examined the activity of chlorophyllin and found that, on a dose-by-dose basis, it was 10 times more potent at causing death of colon cancer cells than hydroxyurea, a chemotherapeutic drug commonly used in cancer treatment. Link: http ... L's office brings in people to test our blood every year in a "wellness screening." I have polycythemia vera, that in layman's terms means I have too many platelets. (I want to link to earlier posts about PV but the linker isn't working. See 2/20/08, 3/9/08, 6/2/08, 2/1/09.) I sent my results to my hematologist yesterday and today she said that since my platelet counts are still high, despite my therapeutic phlebotomies (I go to the blood bank and they remove a pint and throw it away) that she w

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